Monday, September 27, 2010

Remembering Our Trip

My daughter can still remember our trip to the Philippines over 5 years ago. She just love to play with her cousins. The next time we visit Philippines we are going to meet 3 new family members. That was a wonderful trip we had. It was a very inexpensive trip for the four of us luckily I found cheap airline tickets. So we got the vacation packages and the trip was all worth it.

Anyway check out this cool website I find it very interesting. Also if you need to find travel guide visit I always wanted to visit my country and spend time with my family. But the budget is kind a tight right now to have a trip for four to the Philippines. We need to save more money for that trip.

My son was just 9 months old when the last time we visit my family. So, he did not remember anything about the trip. He told me that he doesn't want to ride in the airplane because its scary lol. He don't have any idea on how many hours we stayed in the airplane just to make it to the other side of the world.

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