Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home is just THAT!

Thanks for the post from Barney Crosby

Our home is just that – ours! My husband and I got married a few months ago and we’ve been looking for a new house since just before the wedding. We finally found the right one at the right price and we moved in about a week ago and now are slowly working on making it ours. I’ve been doing all the girly stuff like painting and making flower arrangements and stuff like that and my new husband (that sounds so weird!) has been doing things like looking into ADT security RichMond and trash pickup – all the things boys should be concerned about. I’m so glad we didn’t go over budget with the wedding so we’re not entering this phase of life totally broke like some of our friends – we’ve got the money we need to keep ourselves afloat and not live paycheck to paycheck. I can’t imagine being like that and I don’t understand why so many people put themselves in that position right in a new marriage, as if the marriage itself isn’t hard enough!

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