Monday, March 31, 2008

Finding People

Are you looking for somebody? Here’s a website that just perfect for you. Facesity is a new website that will allow you to find people and allows people to find you in your chosen city. This is really a good site especially if you’re trying to find someone or you want people to find you. I wish we have this kind of service in the Philippines maybe we will find my aunt faster I can’t do much about it because I’m very far away from them. is very affordable and easy to use. I like the design and functionality of this site and the service that they provide is perfect for people who wanted to get in touch with there friends and family.

If your worry that your information will be shared with anyone. Then no worries for you, because at facesity they will not have anyone to share it with, and they don’t believe in it anyhow. Your photo, name or nickname, and link to a website will be shown on your chosen website. Your email address is used only to identify you and match payment with customer and to contact you if the need arises. Now if you are interested please visit their website at

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