Tuesday, December 21, 2010

March of the Wooden Soldiers

Thanks to Wm Rowe

My favorite movie to watch during the Christmas season is March of the Wooden Soldiers starring Laurel and Hardy. This movie is a timeless classic and is my favorite movie of all time. I still find myself anticipating the end when all of the soldiers are let loose.

This movie is normally played on Thanksgiving Day but, it sets the tone to me for the Christmas holidays. Without seeing this movie, I feel my holiday has not been complete. I haven't missed it once in the last thirty five years. I also now own in on DVD so I can watch it whenever I like. But, it's funny I still only watch it during Christmas.

My family and I have made a tradition of watching this movie on our CableTelevision. Whatever we are doing, we all make sure that the Saturday following Thanksgiving is set aside for this. We make a nice pot of hot chocolate, a big bowl of popcorn and sit down to watch.

The graphics of this movie are horrible by todays standards but considering it was made back in 1934, I am sure it was a pioneer in the genre at that time. Laurel and Hardy were a comedy team who's routines were hysterical and they are what makes this movie great.

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