Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Perfect Christmas Tree

Posted by Dorian Compton

Every year, the day before Thanksgiving is set aside to go shopping for our family Christmas tree. We do not dare fight the crowds on Black Friday, and it is tradition to have our tree up and decorated the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This gives plenty of time for us to bask in the glory of our beautiful tree, and allows both of my girls the opportunity to help decorate.

This year we have decided to get a fake tree. We will set the security alarm (alarm systems deals) before we head out the door, and travel the half-hour drive to the nearest Wal-Mart to pick out a tree. We are looking to purchase the fanciest tree that we can find, with long, beautiful green limbs. We would also like to get a 10 foot tree. My mother, husband, father, and two girls will go Christmas tree shopping, and mom and dad will also choose a tree for their home at the same time. They prefer the white colored trees, but for me, it just isn't Christmas if it isn't green! We'll also buy some new decorations while we are there, and extra lights to make our tree sparkle!

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