Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Long Weekend

We are going to have a long weekend this week. The kids have only three day of school this week. So, we are having a long weekend family bonding. I hope it will warm up a little so at least we can go fish one day. I miss fishing we did not fish in the last two weekends due to the weather. I hope that this weekend will be a better week for us to go fishing.

The kids want to go to adventure landing for the go cart ride. We have to see if we can do all our plans on the weekend. Anyway have you check out offers.com? If not visit their website today. They have a lot of wonderful stuff waiting for you in there. Before you go shopping at the store visit their website first for the best deals. Anyway I am hopping my way out in here for a while I need to get up and start my laundry marathon:).

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