Sunday, November 14, 2010

One Tree Is Up

We had our Christmas tree on the living room up yesterday. Today I started to put some decorations on it. But, I am not close to done yet I have more work to do on that one before I can take a picture. The kids want to finish it tonight but, I told them we can't I need to buy something to finish it up. Besides it's getting late they have school tomorrow. Good thing they don't use a school uniform everyday. It's easy for me to manage what clothes they wear each day.

Speaking of uniforms my friend and I was in the store yesterday looking for a scrub tops for her work. She did bought a couple and also a scrub pants to go with it. I was glad that we found it in the first store we stop. We also got some Christmas decorations and more. I am just happy to spend some time with my friend.

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